The boards of the visitor center and the national park are working together to create a visitor center at Jomfruland, as decided by the municipal council in Kragerø. On November 14, the two boards held a joint meeting, followed by a working seminar attended by a number of other resource persons from advisory committees. The seminar focused on the themes for knowledge and experiences to be offered to visitors.

It was a great day, where more than 20 good people with a heart for Jomfruland National Park put their heads together for the community.

At the joint board meeting, many topics related to the visitor center at Jomfruland were discussed. There was a lot of good input on the joint path to the realization of the center. Closer contact and useful dialogue between the boards is planned, and there will be a greater focus on communicating information about the project development and promoting involvement among the population and politicians both locally and regionally. Just like the "Kragerøterna", we need wind in our sails to reach our goal!

This was followed by a real working session together with the advisory committee for the national park. Thomas Vogth-Eriksen, head of the Jomfruland Visitor Center, and Dag Willien Eriksen, director of the municipality, introduced the group work. A demanding economic reality presents challenges for all projects with major investment needs - was a clear message from the municipal management. Project manager Kai Johannesen gave a status report on the planning and realization of the visitor center, presented the basis for the work session and outlined the framework for today's efforts.

Four discussion groups went through the basic material to give their views on the prioritization of measures and communication content in a future visitor center. The work was summarized orally by each of the groups and the written material was handed over to the project manager for further processing and systematization.

Many good suggestions for topics, forms of communication and tools were shared in the municipal council hall in Kragerø town hall, and the project manager and chairman summarized and the experiences from today's work point in the direction of a new joint work session after the turn of the year. Many pointed out that we need to involve the adults of the future to an even greater extent - so that the visitor center reaches the most important target groups - children and young people.

Well done!

Image of white building.

Haga café. Photo: Morten Johannessen